AGAPE Superior Living has been serving its market primarily in ASEAN countries for the past 16 years since its establishment in 2003. Other than the wide range of products, the extensive sales network that consists of approximately 100,000 distributors and members laid the foundation for AATP’s future market development in the region.
According to the CEO of AGAPE ATP Corporation, Dr. How said: “The acquisition signifies an important milestone and contribution to our vision in developing a sustainable wellness ecosystem. We believe our business and market expansions will be more efficient and effective through the leverage of extensive sales networks and market of ASL, and we are also actively strengthening our capabilities and market reaches to achieve our goals and growth in this multi-billion dollar sector. In time to come, we will continue to create values for our business and stakeholders through more mergers and acquisitions in our long-term developments.”
For details of the transaction, please refer to the link below:
爱缔贝集团 (AGAPE ATP Corporation) 完成对爱缔贝优质生活 (AGAPE Superior Living)的并购
2020年5月12日, 爱缔贝集团 (AGAPE ATP Corporation “AATP”) 正式宣布完成了和爱缔贝优质生活有限公司 (AGAPE Superior Living “ASL”) 的并购计划。这次的并购意味着集团进一步地推进了爱缔贝集团 “AATP” 升板计划, 而且也奠定了集团打造全球大健康生产业态圈计划里的重要里程碑。
爱缔贝集团首席执行长拿督斯里侯建仲博士表示,“透过此次并购, 我们进一步完整了集团构建产业生态圈的拼图和进一步增强我们的竞争力和影响力,实现进军这个价值数十亿巨大潜力的健康领域。同时, 我们将继续为股东创造价值并执行拟定的各项战略, 除了增强市场竞争力和可持续发展能力最重要的是使集团的价值最大化。”
爱缔贝优质生活在马来西亚创建已有16年的时间,旗下拥有多系列的健康和美容产品, 并拥有超过10万名经销商与会员散布在各东南亚区域。此次交易完成后, 爱缔贝集团将进行产品, 研发和市场资源整合, 发挥综合的优势帮助实现长期业绩的增长逐步实践全球健康生态圈。
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- Name: Asyraf Hakimi
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